Hello and let me introduce myself.
I'm Lawson Hunter, newly elected GPO
President at the Nov. 24 Annual
General Meeting. I hope to
communicate with all CA presidents
on a regular basis,to keep you
informed and up to date and to
give you a contact should
you need to share a thought or concern with the Provincial
Executive. I'd also like you to make contact with the
Regional Reps from your Region. I'm hoping that
you can establish a relationship with your Regional Reps
as part of their responsibility is to be a conduit between
your local activities and those of the central party.
It's about better communications and inclusivity.
More to come, thanks for your involvement in helping
the Green Party grow.
Lawson Hunter
GPO President
The GPO is hoping to fill some necessary positions from
the general membership. If you could disseminate the following
message to everyone in your riding membership list, that would
be appreciated and save the centralparty from making a
massive email.
Call for Functionaries and committee members
The GPO Provincial Executive is now accepting applications
for the following positions to assist with the operations of
the Party and to fulfill specific roles as described by the
GPO Constitution. Send names, contact info, and a brief bio
to Lawson Hunter, GPO President at lawson@electgreens.ca and
cc. Jessica Fracassi at gpoadmin@magma.ca
Communications Coordinator
Operations Coordinator
Fundraising Coordinator
Youth Coordinator
Information Technology Management Coordinator (website)
Male Provincial Secretary
Deadline will be December 14th
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