Dear GPO members and
Thank you for the hard
work. Last fall's successful
election proved that the
GPO is a player; we influence
politics in this province. But enough of
celebrating, we have work to do.
Politics is ever-changing, defining issues change, new ideas
take over the agenda, parties rise and fall, personalities
gain or lose stature and influence, the political culture
evolves. No one can predict the next four years.
Our challenge is to energize our unique political worldview
with the goal of becoming the government of Ontario. As long
as we are not government one of the other parties is, and
they will not implementing the green agenda. At this stage
in the election cycle we should reaffirm our core philosophy.
Here are two quotes that help:
"We are not conquerors of the biotic community, but citizens
of it." -- Aldo Leopold
"We must live at a level that we seriously can wish others to
attain, not at a level that requires the bulk of humanity NOT
to reach." -- Arne Naess
We differ from the other parties but share some ideas with
each of them. We share fiscally responsibility with the
Conservatives. We share with the Liberal goal of sufficient
material goods and services for everyone. And we share
social progressivism with the NDP.
The other parties may be getting greener, but the
difference is a question of emphasis. For the Conservatives
the economy is primary, for the Liberals material consumption
is primary, for the NDP social justice is primary, but for
Greens living sustainably on the Earth is primary.
We must stand up confidently and unapologetically and
clearly describe the kind of a world we want to live in.
Green policy must be self-evident to every citizen in this
province. In every policy area our message should have one
main principle, followed by several supporting ideas. The
main idea must be clear and obvious to all, and the
complementary ideas must follow logically.
We must address root causes. The prevention of problems is
better than after-the-fact remediation. We must call for
education and green market mechanisms in addition to
regulations to achieve sustainability. We should restrict
calling for solutions unless they are BOTH cheaper AND
greener in the short or long term.
What we demand is not partisan, is not a special interest,
and we do not condone privilege. Our goal is sustainability,
which is larger than politics and larger than nations. Please
help build the GPO over the next four years and be part of
the team that elects the first Green MPPs to Queen's Park!
"All great truths begin as blasphemies" -- George Bernard
My very best wishes for 2008,
Frank de Jong, leader, GPO
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