Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Oshawa Green Party Candidate killed by Drunk Driver

Retired Whitby teacher killed, man faces drunk driving charge

Oct 27, 2008 - 04:30 AM

Joanne Burghardt

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OSHAWA - Green Party leader Elizabeth May has called the death of Pat Gostlin 'simply devastating'.

Ms. Gostlin, 58, was the Green Party candidate for Oshawa riding in last month's federal election. She was killed early Sunday morning in an accident blamed on a drunk driver.

"Pat's untimely death is simply devastating," Ms. May said late Sunday in a press release. "She was a tireless and dedicated advocate for change. Her warmth, kindness and cheer touched all those she met. Pat will be sorely missed and I extend my deepest sympathies, on behalf of all Greens, to her family and loved ones."

Ms. Gostlin's efforts were instrumental in propelling the Greens into the televised debates in the last election, when she and other Greens organized a protest that hit the national airwaves.

"Many of us were blessed by the opportunity to know and work with Pat. Many more of us felt proud after learning of her tremendous efforts to protect democracy in Canada. Pat will always have a special place in Green history and today we mourn her tragic passing."

According to Durham Regional Police, the crash took place at the intersection of Park Rd. S. and John St. W., in Oshawa shortly after midnight Sunday morning.

Inspector Jamie Grant said the suspect was speeding northbound on Park Rd. when he crashed into the victim's car which was stopped at a red light at John St. W.. The victim's car was forced into the intersection when a car going westbound on John St. W. hit the driver's side of the vehicle, killing the woman.

The suspect then tried to flee the scene but was held by a citizen until police arrived, Insp. Grant said. The man, from Bowmanville, is charged with impaired operation of a motor vehicle causing death.

A message on the Oshawa Green Party website reads:

'At around 12:30 a.m. on the morning of Sunday, October 26, 2008, Pat Gostlin left us here on this earthly plane of existence, a little emptier inside for her loss. Having left the comfort of her friends to return to the comfort of her family, she was struck and killed by a drunk driver. This tragic loss has robbed us all of someone whom we cared deeply for.

Ever the giver, ever the smile on her face. Wherever Pat went, she always carried with her an abundance of warmth, kindness and humour. Never one to judge, she was always ready with a kind word for anyone and everyone she met.

We are devastated by the loss of Pat, and extend our deepest and heartfelt sympathies to her family and friends. Pat, you will be sorely missed!'

Sunday, October 19, 2008

For The Promotion of Ethics In Political Advertising

It was the perfect storm. Here in Southern Ontario we sat astride the US Canadian border while both countries were in the midst of election campaigns during the worst economic crisis since the great depression.

The result was a gearing up of one of the most irresponsible and embarrassing behaviours still permitted on our air waves.

Canadian ads are governed by Advertising Standards Canada, an industry run regulating body that fields complains and removes ads that "unfairly discredit, disparage or attack other products services, advertisements or exaggerate the nature or importance of competitive differences."

The code applies to every area of advertisement-except political ads which are expressly exempt from the code. In the United States, ads enjoy a similar exemption since the Supreme Court ruled they fall under the First Amendment rights to free speech.

That freedom without responsibility has not served the political process well on either side of the border.

As University of Texas advertising Professor Jef L. Richards noted, "The law requires a paper towel ad to be scrupulously honest, but allows political candidates to lie without reproach."

Advertising legend David Ogilvy beleives, "Political advertising ought to be stopped. It is the only really dishonest kind of ad that's left. It's totally dishonest."

Not only do political ads lower peoples opinion of advertising but help explain why its so hard to attract quality candidates and bring the entire political process into disrepute.

It is not surprising that Canada experienced the lowest level of participation by voters in our most recent Election.

To join us in helping lobby for political advertising to be held to, at least, the same ethical level as toilet paper commercials click on the title to this article to take you to our Facebook page.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Scarborough Guildwood Greens Watch Election Results

After all the hype and fury Steven Harper's snap, and possibly illegal, election achieved very little. He gained a few seats but not enough to form a majority, likely caused the Liberals to choose a strong leader to oppose him next time, and let the Green Party demonstrate it can bring in its vote.

The Green Party's support is highest among younger voters turned off by the negativism of the old line Parties. Every year those voters get older and move into position to vote. Like all healthy organisms, the Green Party is literally growing its support.

Here in Scarborough Guildwood, Alonzo Bartley managed to nearly double the Green vote over the past election in 2006. Unlike some of his high spending opponents, Scarborough Guildwood Greens ended the campaign in the black with money to help foster a strong and healthy EDA.

One thing is for certain, with another minority government, the next election may only be a couple of years off. But we are ready.

As SG Greens gathered at the Old Stone Cottage Pub last night to watch the election results roll in, they had a lot to celebrate.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Alonzo Bartley on Crime

On October 7, 2008, Scarborough Guildwood GPC candidate, Alonzo Bartley, addressed the Coronation Community Association of West Hill as part of an all candidates night.

Here is what he had to say about crime in the Scarborough Guildwood area.


On October 7, 2008, Scarborough Guildwood GPC candidate, Alonzo Bartley, addressed the Coronation Community Association of West Hill as part of an all candidates night.

Here is what he had to say about the lack of employment opportunity in the Scarborough Guildwood area.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Don't Forget to Support Your Local Candidate

If you're a member of the Green Party you know the Party has been aggressively canvusing members for your financial support.

I've been receiving e-mail and phone request do donate way beyond the level my wife and I have already contributed. I know the money is being well used. Elizabeth May's cross Canada Train Trip and her extraordinary performance during the Leader's debate have raised public perception of the party to new levels.

I just received the following appeal from Jim Harris:

"Celebrate hitting the highest level of Green Party support in Ontario ever by donating just $25.

Chrystal Ocean who is living on $7,500 a year decided to donate $25 on this news. And she wrote: If I am willing to take $25 from an already squeezed food budget, which means more peanut butter sandwiches and far less fruit and veggies for the next several weeks, then other GPC members can donate this amount too.

David Lewis who is a 23-year old staffer in GPC headquarter just matched her. Then Katie Gibbs who is Co-Chair of the Young Greens of Canada donated $25.

There’s something happening here – join the revolution donate just $25 to support this amazing Green Party campaign!

We need your support to get our message out and build on this incredible momentum in the final week!"

What is being over looked in these appeals is the financial need of our local candidate. The success of the Green Party will be won or lost on the ground here in our local ridings.

In Alonzo Bartley, we have a great candidate here in Scarborough Guildwood . But none of the money you donate to the Party will reach down to him. Only funds directly sent to his Campaign Manager will help him purchase signs, purchases campaign literature, purchase radio ads, purchase advertising space in the Scarborough Mirror.

Alonzo needs our support, our time and our creativity. But he doesn't have the outreach the Party has. Lets be as generous at home as we are to the Party.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Support Alonzo Bartley in Scarborough Guildwood


It really hit home when I was the Financial Officer
for Glenn Kitchen's provincial campaign that a campaign
needs money to pay for signage, literature as well
as expenses associated with registering the candidate.
Not only that, but the campaign finance rules make it
easy, returning 75% of whatever you donate (up to $400)
as a political tax credit. Give $100, and
you cut $75 off the taxes you would otherwise pay in
April. So I do hope you all will contribute generously.

Also, I'd be grateful for any time you can spare.
There were only a few of us who assisted Glenn and,
although strides were made, we could have gone
further if we had a few more pairs of feet.

I look forward to your involvement because
Scarborough-Guildwood deserves an
alternative. It's time for us as Greens to
offer the riding smart solutions.

Feel free to contact me at anytime at
416.559.5580 or email me directly at