If you're a member of the Green Party you know the Party has been aggressively canvusing members for your financial support.
I've been receiving e-mail and phone request do donate way beyond the level my wife and I have already contributed. I know the money is being well used. Elizabeth May's cross Canada Train Trip and her extraordinary performance during the Leader's debate have raised public perception of the party to new levels.
I just received the following appeal from Jim Harris:
"Celebrate hitting the highest level of Green Party support in Ontario ever by donating just $25.
Chrystal Ocean who is living on $7,500 a year decided to donate $25 on this news. And she wrote: If I am willing to take $25 from an already squeezed food budget, which means more peanut butter sandwiches and far less fruit and veggies for the next several weeks, then other GPC members can donate this amount too.
David Lewis who is a 23-year old staffer in GPC headquarter just matched her. Then Katie Gibbs who is Co-Chair of the Young Greens of Canada donated $25.
There’s something happening here – join the revolution donate just $25 to support this amazing Green Party campaign!
We need your support to get our message out and build on this incredible momentum in the final week!"
What is being over looked in these appeals is the financial need of our local candidate. The success of the Green Party will be won or lost on the ground here in our local ridings.
In Alonzo Bartley, we have a great candidate here in Scarborough Guildwood . But none of the money you donate to the Party will reach down to him. Only funds directly sent to his Campaign Manager will help him purchase signs, purchases campaign literature, purchase radio ads, purchase advertising space in the Scarborough Mirror.
Alonzo needs our support, our time and our creativity. But he doesn't have the outreach the Party has. Lets be as generous at home as we are to the Party.
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